Friday, February 19, 2010

ABC of preterm birth Epidemiology of preterm birth


ABC of preterm birth
Epidemiology of preterm birth

Janet Tucker, William McGuire

Preterm birth is a major challenge in perinatal health care. Most
perinatal deaths occur in preterm infants, and preterm birth is
an important risk factor for neurological impairment and
disability. Preterm birth not only affects infants and their
families—providing care for preterm infants, who may spend
several months in hospital, has increasing cost implications for
health services.
Preterm birth is the delivery of a baby before 37 completed
weeks’ gestation. Most mortality and morbidity affects “very
preterm” infants (those born before 32 weeks’ gestation), and
especially “extremely preterm” infants (those born before 28
weeks of gestation).
Over the past 20-30 years advances in perinatal care have
improved outcomes for infants born after short gestations. The
number of weeks of completed gestation that defines whether a
birth is preterm rather than a fetal loss has become smaller. In
1992 the boundary that required registration as a preterm live
birth in the United Kingdom was lowered from 28 completed
weeks’ gestation to 24 weeks’ gestation. This boundary varies
internationally, however, from about 20 to 24 weeks. Some
classification of fetal loss, still birth, and early neonatal death for
these very short gestations may be unreliable.
Gestational age versus birth weight
Even in developed countries, there is often uncertainty and
incomplete recording of estimates of gestation. In most of the
United Kingdom data on birth weight data but not on
gestational age are collected routinely.
Although some concordance exists between the categories
of birth weight and gestational age, they are not
interchangeable. The categories for birth weight are:
x Low birth weight ( < 2500 g)
x Very low birth weight ( < 1500 g)
x Extremely low birth weight ( < 1000 g)
Only around two thirds of low birth weight infants are
preterm. Term infants may be of low birth weight because they
are “small for gestational age” or “light for date” infants. These
infants are usually defined as below the 10th centile of the
index population’s distribution of birth weights by
gestation—that is, in the lowest 10 per cent of birth weights.
Preterm infants may also be small for gestational age. They
may have neonatal problems additional to those related to
shortened gestation, particularly if they are small because of
intrauterine growth restriction.
Perinatal problems related to intrauterine growth restriction
x Perinatal death
x Fetal distress
x Meconium aspiration syndrome
x Hypoglycaemia
x Polycythaemia or hyperviscosity
x Hypothermia
Clinical review
Over the past 20-30 years the incidence of preterm birth in
most developed countries has been about 5-7% of live births.
The incidence in the United States is higher, at about 12%.
Some evidence shows that this incidence has increased slightly
in the past few years, but the rate of birth before 32 weeks'
gestation is almost unchanged, at 1-2%.
Several factors have contributed to the overall rise in the
incidence of preterm birth. These factors include increasing
rates of multiple births, greater use of assisted reproduction
techniques, and more obstetric intervention.
Part of the apparent rise in the incidence of preterm birth,
however, may reflect changes in clinical practice. Increasingly,
ultrasonography rather than the last menstrual period date is
used to estimate gestational age. The rise in incidence may also
be caused by inconsistent classification of fetal loss, still birth,
and early neonatal death. In some countries, infants who are
born after very short gestations (less than 24 weeks) are more
likely to be categorised as live births.
With the limited provision of antenatal or perinatal care in
developing countries, there are difficulties with population
based data. Registration of births is incomplete and information
is lacking on gestational age, especially outside hospital settings.
Data that are collected tend to give only estimates of perinatal
outcomes that are specific to birth weight. These data show that
the incidence of low birth weight is much higher in developing
countries than in developed countries with good care services.
In developing countries, low birth weight is probably caused
by intrauterine growth restriction. Maternal undernutrition and
chronic infection in pregnancy are the main factors that cause
intrauterine growth restriction. Although the technical advances
in the care of preterm infants have improved outcomes in
developed countries with well resourced care services, they have
not influenced neonatal morbidity and mortality in countries
that lack basic midwifery and obstetric care. In these developing
countries, the priorities are to reduce infection associated with
delivery, identify and manage pregnancies of women who are at
risk, and provide basic neonatal resuscitation.
Causes of preterm birth
Spontaneous preterm labour and rupture of membranes
Most preterm births follow spontaneous, unexplained preterm
labour, or spontaneous preterm prelabour rupture of the
amniotic membranes. The most important predictors of
spontaneous preterm delivery are a history of preterm birth
and poor socioeconomic background of the mother.
Interaction of the many factors that contribute to the
association of preterm birth with socioeconomic status is
complex. Mothers who smoke cigarettes are twice as likely as
non-smoking mothers to deliver before 32 weeks of gestation,
although this effect does not explain all the risk associated with
social disadvantage.
Evidence from meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
shows that antenatal smoking cessation programmes can lower
the incidence of preterm birth.Women from poorer
socioeconomic backgrounds, however, are least likely to stop
smoking in pregnancy although they are most at risk of
preterm delivery.
No studies have shown that other interventions, such as
better antenatal care, dietary advice, or increased social support
during pregnancy, improve perinatal outcomes or reduce the
social inequalities in the incidence of preterm delivery.
The rate of preterm birth varies between ethnic groups. In
the United Kingdom, and even more markedly in the United
States, the incidence of preterm birth in black women is higher
than that in white women of similar age. The reason for this
variation is unclear because differences remain after taking into
account socioeconomic risk factors.
Multiple pregnancy and assisted reproduction
Multifetal pregnancy increases the risk of preterm delivery.
About one quarter of preterm births occur in multiple
pregnancies. Half of all twins and most triplets are born
preterm. Multiple pregnancy is more likely than singleton
pregnancy to be associated with spontaneous preterm labour
and with preterm obstetric interventions, such as induction of
labour or delivery by caesarean section.
The incidence of multiple pregnancies in developed
countries has increased over the past 20-30 years. This rise is
mainly because of the increased use of assisted reproduction
techniques, such as drugs that induce ovulation and in vitro
fertilisation. For example, the birth rate of twins in the United
States has increased by 55% since 1980. The rate of higher
order multiple births increased fourfold between 1980 and
1998, although this rate has decreased slightly over the past five
years. In some countries two embryos only are allowed to be
placed in the uterus after in vitro fertilisation to limit the
incidence of higher order pregnancy.
Singleton pregnancies that follow assisted reproduction are
at a considerable increased risk of preterm delivery, probably
because of factors such as cervical trauma, the higher incidence
of uterine problems, and possibly because of the increased risk
of infection.
Maternal and fetal complications
About 15% to 25% of preterm infants are delivered because of
maternal or fetal complications of pregnancy. The principal
causes are hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and severe
intrauterine growth restriction, which is often associated with
hypertensive disorders. The decision to deliver these infants is
informed by balancing the risks of preterm birth for the infant
against the consequence of continued pregnancy for the
mother and fetus. Over the past two decades improved
antenatal and perinatal care has increased the rate of iatrogenic
preterm delivery. During that time the incidence of still birth in
the third trimester has fallen.
Outcomes after preterm birth
Broadly, outcomes improve with increasing gestational age,
although for any given length of gestation survival varies with
birth weight. Other factors, including ethnicity and gender also
influence survival and the risk of neurological impairment.
The outcomes for preterm infants born at or after 32 weeks
of gestation are similar to those for term infants. Most serious
problems associated with preterm birth occur in the 1% to 2%
of infants who are born before 32 completed weeks' gestation,
and particularly the 0.4% of infants born before 28 weeks'
gestation. Modern perinatal care and specific interventions,
such as prophylactic antenatal steroids and exogenous
surfactants, have contributed to some improved outcomes for
very preterm infants. The overall prognosis remains poor,
however, particularly for infants who are born before 26 weeks'
The outcome for preterm infants of multiple pregnancies
can be better than that of singleton pregnancies of the same
gestation. In term infants the situation is reversed. The
improved outcome for preterm infants of multiple pregnancies
has been attributed to closer surveillance of the mother and

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The United States is working on reducing the incidence of premature birth

The United States began a pilot program to determine the reasons for the escalation of cases of premature birth at the steady and significant during the past two decades.
The Acting Surgeon General of America, Steven Galson, who opened the conference, it takes two days to develop a national strategy developed to prevent preterm birth, "We need to redouble our efforts in this context."
The United States sees half a million births a year earlier, according to the Agency Saedy.
It is noteworthy that the full load take between 38 weeks to 42, and premature births are born before Aktmalhm the 37 week of pregnancy.

Mother's milk helps premature babies to survive

According to a new study, the most tiniest premature infants who received breast milk from their mothers at the hospital had achieved significant results in tests of mental development later in life compared with those who drank milk industry.
This research shows the first of its kind, the benefits of breast milk for premature infants who were born with weights less than 2 pounds, 3 ounces. Thanks to medical advances, many hospitals were able to preserve the lives of these babies, especially those who were born earlier than three months shall mislead them.

Mother's Milk A Lifesaver For premature infant?


CBS Evening News: UCSD Doctors Say Breast Milk Can Mean Difference Between Life And Death For Premature Babies:

A new public health tool to reduce the burden of malaria in infants

IPTi is under review by the WHO to be issued as a recommendation for the control of malaria in infants in areas of moderate to high malaria transmission.

IPTi has been investigated in 8 double-blinded randomised-controlled clinical trials in Tanzania, Ghana, Mozambique, Kenya and Gabon, and is being implemented on a pilot basis by UNICEF in Ghana, Malawi, Madagascar, Benin, Mali and Senegal.

IPTi is being investigated in Papua New Guinea and results are expected in mid 2010.

Making pregnancy safer


Every day 1500 women die due to complications in pregnancy or childbirth. 10 000 babies per day die within the first month of life and an equal number of babies are born dead. Skilled care around the time of birth would greatly reduce the number of these needless deaths.
The WHO Department of Making Pregnancy Safer (MPS) helps to improve maternal health, assists countries to ensure skilled care before, during and after pregnancy and childbirth and strengthen national health systems in order to achieve Millennium Development Goals 4, 5 and 6. The main goal is to reduce newborn mortality and maternal mortality significantly by 2015.
:: Do you want to know more?

Malaria and Newborn Health in The World

"Reducing the spread of malaria is critical for child health and survival, and development, particularly in Africa. And will help to reduce the spread of malaria achieve the Millennium Development Goals." Ann Veneman at White House Summit on Malaria, December 2006

Monday, February 15, 2010

New global partnership calls for immediate action to help women and children Survive

NEW YORK, 12 Sept 2005 – As world leaders gather in New York for this week’s World Summit at the United Nations, an unprecedented coalition of governments and health organizations joined together today to underscore the critical importance of reducing child and maternal deaths as part of the overall campaign to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). 
To accelerate progress in reducing millions of deaths that are preventable, leading advocates for women and children launched The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health today.  The new partnership unites the world’s leading organizations on maternal, newborn and child health to galvanize global efforts and scale up the resources, strategies and political commitments needed to reduce maternal and child mortality.

A new approach to child survival that puts the needs of the family in the center

Bentos Cynthia gave birth to her 
child before birth to 13 weeks, but was 
able to stay in the place
of residence free of charge
under a special program for
mothers with their children at risk.
By: Thomas Nybo Little Mommy Newborn Baby Dolls (Styles and Clothing May Vary)Fisher Price New Born StrollerLovely New Born Baby
Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 20, 2009 - Stella Benitez recently gave birth to her first baby which is in good health and in April called Delfina.
A resident of the neighborhood vibe Buedu Buenos Aires, where they benefit from a new model of care during and after childbirth in a hospital Ramon account. The program gives the hospital a great deal of attention to the needs of the family.
The husband was Ms. Benitez welcomed in every step of this process, including delivery, and great efforts are being made to strengthen their relationship with their daughter in April
"At the moment they left April, and placed on my body to be able to be and Odmha accept it, and then let my husband that portable, even before the umbilical cord cut." 

Longer training session in Kenya, a landmark in the community care of newborn children in Africa

By: Victor Chinyama Rubies Costume Co. Deluxe Baby Bunting, Pea in the Pod Costume, 1 to 9 MonthsmiYim Organic Plush Fairytale Collection - 9" Baby Victoria the BunnyVo-Toys Latex New Born Mouse Dog ToyLamaze Freddie the Firefly
Nairobi, Kenya, June 26, 2007 - do not know Evelyn Katungye, which amounts to twenty-year-old, the reason that led to the deaths of her two children. In April 2005, gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl, assisted by skilled birth at her home in Majengo, a large slum near downtown Nairobi. However, the joy was not completed when the first child died a few hours after her birth, and soon other child died. Evelyn and Sculpture, which collapsed completely blame the midwives, but they are not confident of doing so, the lack of facts to have to prove it.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Transfer of preterm infants from incubator to open cot at lower versus higher body weight

Graco Ultra Clear II 49MHZ Baby Monitor

Transfer of preterm infants from incubator to open cot at lower versus higher body weight

New K, Flenady V, Davies MW/

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Premature Babies / Preemies - Questions & Answers

Premature Babies / Preemies - Questions & Answers
by Sjona Lindquist

What is the difference between premature babies and preemies?
There is no difference between premature babies and preemies. Both terms are used interchangeably in articles, preemie stores, medical staff, growth charts, or any other medium of communication or reference. However, we have noticed that people in the medical field prefer to use the term "premature babies" and use it more often than the term "preemies".

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Leading cause of premature baby

In humans, preterm birth refers to the birth of a baby of less than 37 weeks gestational age. Premature birth, commonly used as a synonym for preterm birth, refers to the birth of a premature infant. The child may commonly be referred to throughout their life as being born a "preemie" or "preemie baby". Because it is by far the most common cause of prematurity, preterm birth is the major cause of neonatal mortality in developed countries. Premature infants are at greater risk for short and long term complications, including disabilities and impediments in growth and mental development. Significant progress has been made in the care of premature infants, but not in reducing the prevalence of preterm birth.[1] The cause for preterm birth is in many situations elusive and unknown; many factors appear to be associated with the development of preterm birth, making the reduction of preterm birth a challenging proposition.
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Friday, January 8, 2010

Birth|Types|Stages|Troubles|birth early|premature birth

Premature birth is the birth of the child before they reach the full development of its members, before the expiry of the period necessary in the womb, which was about nine months, normal, or ten lunar months (based on 28 days per month).

And premature birth occurs, usually between the eighth week and twenty-fifth and thirty of pregnancy, or with the other in the seventh or eighth month of pregnancy, because the birth of a child before reaching the seventh month of abortion is not birth, not when a child is capable of living at all.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

How is the Being Premature monitored?

Babies who are born early usually are carefully monitored, especially for the first year. Very premature babies will be seen by eye and hearing specialists. They will be taken care of by development specialists and breathing specialists. Teams of healthcare providers work together to give these babies as much care as they need to help them develop as normally as possible. Any new or worsening symptoms should be reported to the healthcare provider.

Study finds link between depression and premature children

by Mary Ann Romans

A new study, about premature babies that shows a link between symptoms of depression in pregnant mothers and premature babies, was published yesterday in the medical journal, Human Reproduction.

Some States Have More Premature Babies Than Others


by Mary Ann Romans

preemie A new report shows that the odds of you having a premature baby depend on the state in which you live. The report was issued by the March of Dimes organization which tracked premature births and gave a report card on the disparity of premature births by state.

For example, the states with the lowest incidence of premature births tend to be up north. In Vermont, a woman is least likely to have a premature baby. Only 9 percent of all births are premature. Oregon and Connecticut also have low rates of premature births.

When you move down further south of the country, those number rise dramatically. There are a whopping 18.8 percent of premature births in Mississippi, the worst state in the union for premature birth rates. West Virginia, Alabama, Kentucky, South Carolina and Louisiana also have large percentages of premature births.

Overall in this country about one in eight babies is born premature. Prematurity can result in all sorts of conditions and medical issues, from learning disorders to death.

While prematurity is not well understood, the report does give three factors that may play a role in the difference in the premature birth rates across the states:

Lack of insurance leading to lack of prenatal care. Risks for preterm labor can offen be identity and treatment given to women who are at risk.

Smoking. There is a higher incidence of smoking in some of the states that also have the higher premature birth rates. Overall, the report estimates that 17 percent of all pregnant women smoke.

Scheduled C-sections. C-sections may purposely be scheduled ahead of full term (for example to avoid having a large baby), or they may be scheduled without a good understanding of the age of the fetus.

What do you think of this recent news?

Most of premature babies born in Africa and Asia

It seems that Africa and Asia are highly popular range of diseases and epidemics, and children born prematurely, these statistics show that most of the global preterm infants are born in Asia and Africa.
Geneva - The existence of glaring disparities between developing and developed countries in the opportunities for survival of preterm infants.

Nearly 13 million children are born prematurely across the world each year, according to the first global view of preterm birth, which was published today in the International Journal of Public Health, WHO Bulletin.

Most of premature babies born in Africa and Asia "Nearly 11 million of these babies are born prematurely in Africa and Asia, where many do not have access to effective care," says lead author Dr. Lal say, from the Ministry of Reproductive Health and Research World Health Organization.

"A child weighing less than 2000g (born in about 32 weeks of pregnancy) has little chance of survival if born in a developing country," says Say. "On the other hand, born in 32 weeks in developed countries, the chances of survival and a similar one was born in full term."

An average of 10% of births in all parts of the world that occurs before 37 weeks of pregnancy, in other words is premature, although this rate varies between 3.8% for countries in Central Asia and 17.5% in South Africa. When comparing the high-income areas and North America to have a higher percentage than that (10.6%) of the premature birth of Europe (6.2%).

"Given the enormous increase in premature births over the past 20 years is shown in countries with reliable data, premature birth remains a major health problem. Improve access to effective health care, particularly in developing countries, and must remain a priority ", says Dr. Say.
*And here comes "The question what are the real reasons behind the birth of children prematurely, and whether the scientists have all the facts causing the problem?

Children born by Caesarean section are more likely to have asthma


According to a study recently published in the United States that the birth attendant risk of caesarean section Probo children when children are born early, while the children who completed their pregnancies exposed to this risk.

The study was conducted under the supervision of a team of University of Washington in Seattle led by Professor Jason as Debeli and published in the month of the magazine "Onalzz Of Olrgi", a scientific journal published by the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.
Children born by Caesarean section are more likely to have asthma
The study provides the group's new vision of why children born by Caesarean section are more susceptible to asthma.

There were different previous studies on the relationship between method of delivery and asthma, did not take into account the effects of prematurity and maternal asthma, say researchers in this study.

The study was conducted on more than 10 thousand children between the ages of 6 and 12 years using data from the database hospitals and the state of Washington.

And lead caesarean section as is well known to the changes in the bacterial colonies in the abdomen, which occurs naturally after birth and may have a protective effect of exposure to asthma and allergic diseases.

Some researchers say that this change in the abdomen due to caesarean section may reduce the carrying capacity of a child to allergens and increase the risk of having asthma.

In analyzing the relationship in a separate study, Dr. Debeli and his strong relationship between caesarean section and the entry of children born in the early to the hospital because of asthma, while does not occur in children who have reached the stage of pregnancy.

They also said that the mother of asthma increase the likelihood of giving birth early, by Caesarean section, so the risk of asthma for genetic reasons in children born early in a greater risk of infection in children who complete the pregnancy.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Premature infants suffer from respiratory dysfunction


British research revealed that children who are born before the completion of development in the womb of the mother and placed in incubators during the first weeks of birth to complete their development at risk of chest diseases.

Research has shown that low birth weight are more susceptible to lung disease more than others.

On the other hand to link research for the first time between the speed of weight gain in children during the weeks following the birth and the weakening of the growth of the lungs.

low birth weight are more susceptible to lung disease more than others.

The study was published by the University of Sawthahampton in the journal "American Journal", specializing in respiratory diseases and critical situations.
Chest problems

The researchers measured the study and lung function in 131 healthy children between the ages of 14 weeks and looked at the same time the speed of weight gain in these children.

Some of these children weighing less than normal at birth.

The study revealed that lung function in children who were less weight if they are born and those who increased their weight rapidly during the first weeks of Uladthm was weaker from the lungs of normal children.

Said Dr. Jean Lucas, Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton, who led the study: "It seems that the different type of nutrition is not responsible for this effect."

The evidence suggests that the functions of the lungs of children who grow at a faster rate after the birth of this most vulnerable and increase the odds of children who completed their growth in the nursery.

And promote the study guide that "build the foundations for a healthier future may be determined from the stage of the fetus in the womb."

Said Dr. Matt Halsort of the Foundation for Asthma UK, said: "No it comes to their development quickly but the problem is that he was required to be present for the uterus certain degree of growth."

"This means that the lungs of children who were not born yet did not reach the normal size, which contributes to the lack of functions."

At the same time said study co-author John Warner: "We believe that impaired lung function in these children may have implications for the sensitivity of the device for future respiratory disease, especially shortness of breath."

The researchers plan to follow the children through their lives in the future to verify this hypothesis.

A spokesman for the British Institute of lungs: "We know since the breathing problems facing the children are not fully formed growth and young children and we are pleased to participate in this project but we believe that there is a need for further research to explore the relationship between lung disease in children and the risk of further lung problems in the future. "

Says Dr. Halsort said: "The results of this study indicate that early stage in the life essential to the growth of the lungs of the child and the impact of this on the risk of problems such as shortness of breath."

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The United States is working on reducing the incidence of premature birth

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